Saturday, 9 June 2007

Sun Bathing and Theme Parks

Today I woke up around 9 or 10. So got ready and went out into the world.

Today was extremely hot... 31 degrees. I walked up to a local park called Vasapark. There is a big Astroturf where people play football (soccer), a pa-tonk area and lots of people lying in the sun.

I was walking around for a bit and spotted the Norwegian girls from the night before. There names are Siri, Sara and Kathrine (And none are pronounced how they are spelled, well in English anyways) So we started chatting again and after a few hours we decided to go to the them park "Gröna Lund".

This theme park is pretty cool, about half the size of Rainbows end... but with better rides. It's got a Fear Fall type ride that when you get to the top, the carriage tips front ways a bit, then you are slightly facing the ground when you drop. Also a reverse Fear Fall type thing that shoots you up first then you bounce around for a bit. The roller-coasters are fun too... pretty smooth but you don't go upside down. The final ride we went on is hard to explain, it is sort of like the Disney tea-cups but faster... and it is inside with disco lights going off and RnB pumping through the sound system. It was a really cool ride, perhaps the most fun ride I've been on... on par with the Scooby Doo ride!

We left the theme park around 10:30pm and went back to the hostel. Met up with another Norwegian named Fredrick. We decided to hit the booze.

We drank until about 2:30, then Sara and Siri decided that they wanted to go out... we tried to talk them out of it because the clubs were shutting soon. After walking around for an hour trying to find somewhere, we decided to head home. I walked Kathrine home and the others headed back to Fredrick's place to keep drinking.

All in all it was a fun day!

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