Sunday, 22 July 2007

Work Trip

On Sunday there was an organised work trip to do a "GeoQuest Challenge". Its something I only heard about over here. Basically, you go to a forest with a GPS, a list of questions, coordinates and challenges to do along the way. It was organised by Heidi (work mate) and her boyfriend Tobias. They did a great job and it was an entertaining way to spend a day.

So, we turned up at Tobias + Heidi's house in Reutlingen. Had a drink then headed off to the forest. We were divided into two teams and we went on our way.

Everything was in German and so I just cruised along for the walk through the forest. I helped search for some clues, but basically was dead weight :-P

The 3 hours it took flew past... only felt like an hour. In the end our team ended up winning... woohoo!!! So we went back to Heidi and Tobias' house to start the BBQ. German BBQ's are different to the Kiwi one. It involves starting a fire and cooking on the embers.

The food was really nice, it's been a while since I've had a good BBQ. I stuffed myself and really enjoyed it. After we had all finished, the other team turned up... we had beat them by about an hour.

The evening passed by with eating and of course, a few beers. At home and in bed by 11:30.

So the weekend was a pretty quiet one. The next 6 weekends are going to be a bit more full on me thinks.

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