Thursday, 16 August 2007

News from last week

On Monday I got a new room-mate. It was killing two birds with one stone, my workmate Daniel needed a place to live, and I got a room-mate that I knew :-)

On Tuesday, the news wasn’t so good. Mum has started her chemo now. It’s not as fun as it sounds… headache, nausea, the works… mum doesn’t recommend chemo as a recreational drug. Bummer because I was looking for some on the street the other day :-)
On a serious note, she is feeling like shit but still keeping her sense of humour about the whole thing. Her and Brenda are shocking the doctors with their comments, you gotta laugh at morbid humour, what else can ya do?

She has to go through two doses, the first 9 weeks is the hair-falley out one and has the worst side affects. By the time I get home, mum will have completed the “worse” part of the chemo and of course be bald. She will be going through the more mild part of it which has less side affects for another 9 weeks.

Anyway. Drop mum and email if ya want:
I’m sure she’ll appreciate the messages. And if anyone is in the neighbourhood, feel free to drop mum a visit. I’m sure she won’t mind someone taking her mind of things for a bit.

1 comment:

carlos said...

Hey, here is Carlos.

I'm sorry for hearing the bad news about your mum. I knew chemo is really painful. Hope she can recover soon.