Tuesday, 26 June 2007

Rijeka to Stuttgart

I had to get up at 5:30am to go get my plane. I caught the bus to the main bus station to get my bus (where I was dropped off). Only to find it was not where the bus departed from, go figure. There was only 1 bus per flight, and I had 5 minutes to get to the other bus station (which was a 10 minute walk). Luckily I managed to flag a taxi and get there just in time... a nice bit of excitement for the day, but the best was to follow :-)

The flight to Stuttgart was ok, I slept most of the way, only an hour but still some sleep. Now coming into Stuttgart, there was MAJOR turbulence. The plane was tilting about 45 degrees either way and shuddering quite badly. It was very exciting! Coming into landing I don't know how the pilot did it, but he managed to steady the plane long enough to get it on the ground... of course, it wasn't the most pleasant landing in the world, but we were still in one piece. The entire cabin again applouded and cheered for the pilot. Once the plane had come to a stop, one of the passengers got on the intercom and thanked the pilot for getting us safely back to Stuttgart (in German of course). Again he got a well deserved round of applause.

Stepping off the plane into 15 degree Germany was a very major change. I had to chuck on a jersey straight away. I got through boarder control and got on a train... straight for work. Nothing like starting work at 11am after catching a plane from 620km away :)

Onward to more adventures... you can see my new feature on the right hand panel now. It's a travel map which shows where I'm going and where I've been. Pretty cool huh.


notHamilton said...

Hey Tobi, I thought you were in Germany to work, is your new job a travel writer or something? Either way you're making plenty of people jealous!

jo.hewald said...

Hi Tobi. am really enjoying reading your travel diary. Great to follow and catch up with places and people you meet along the way.
Sorry to hear about Mum, hope all goes well for her recovery. Keep up the good work mate. cya

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